“What are you most interested in about this company?”
“What interests you most about our company?”
這個問題與「熱門問題一」類似 ,不過在這裏能夠更進一步詳加敘述。若是「業務方面」的工作.則表示希望能親自銷售該公司的産品;若公司「業務擴及海外」,則表示自己希望能夠在國外工作;若對於「公司理念」深感贊同,則表示自己希望加入對社會有貢獻的公司;若「公司在業界表現突出」,則可表示希望能在該公司豐富自己的工作經驗。
I have learned from the media that your company has good products and a strong national service network[遍佈全國的服務網], which is essential for customer service throughout the country. I know from experience that having a good product is not enough to be successful in the marketplace. What is most important in this changing economy is providing a good service for the customer, which your company is doing an excellent job at.
我透過媒體報導得知 貴公司不僅產品品質優良,也擁有遍佈全國的服務網,這對提供全國顧客良好的服務而言是不可或缺的。我從經驗中學到,光靠優良的產品並無法在市場上獲得成功,身處這個不斷變化的經濟環境中,最重要的是為客戶提供優良的服務。我認為
I am most interested in working in one of your hotels abroad. I have always been fascinated by [我一直很渴望] the opportunity to work abroad [在海外工作] and I know you have a strong presence in Canada, which is a country that I have always wanted to work in. I believe that companies with an international presence[在世界擁有相當地位的公司] are more advanced than others, and I would like to work at this kind of company.
一直以來我都希望能在國外工作,因此我很想在 貴公司海外的酒店工作。我一直想在加拿大工作,我也知道 貴公司在加拿大的地位相當重要。我認為在世界擁有相當地位的公司就是較優秀的公司,因此我希望能夠在這樣的公司工作。
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