● 1. We distinguish ourselves in the marketplace by focusing primarily on our customers' ever-changing taste buds.
● 2. Before we get started on the presentation, allow me to briefly introduce our company. Our company was founded創辦 in 1954 and employs more than 540 people. We are a manufacturer of high-quality, luxurious 豪華的yachts for the rich and famous.
● 3. Let me explain who we are and what we do. Save Our Animals is a non-profit organization(NGO)非營利的機構 dedicated to致力於 helping animals who suffer negligence疏忽 and abuse. We have a huge network of rescuers from across the globe, and we mainly rely on donations 捐款from animal-lovers like you.
讓我解釋我們是誰以及我們是做甚麼的。Save Our Animals是一個非營利組織致力於幫助被忽視及被虐待的動物。我們在全球有龐大的救援人員網絡,主要依靠像各位這樣的動物愛好者的捐款。
● 4. University of Kowloon is one of the leading technology universities in the nation. At present, our university consists of six colleges, 14 departments, and 28 graduate institutes.
● 5. Our primary market is older citizens, especially seniors who have retired for more than five years.
樂本健【17週年開倉13 - 14/3】維柏健保健品低至$20!► 了解詳情
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