Part 3:說明「演講架構與流程」例句
• Before I start, I'd like to give you an overview of the presentation.
• Here is an overview of my presentation.
• Here on this slide you can see an outline of my presentation.
• I‘d first like to explain our marketing campaigns, which include both short-term and long-term activities, and then later discuss the overseas promotion issues, including promotions in the following countries: Nepal, Singapore, and Japan.
• The first part of my presentation will cover our company's overall operations last year, including customer services, distribution, marketing, community relations, and corporate services. The second part will focus on this year's prospects.
• As you can see, I've divided my talk into three parts. First, causes of obesity. Second, symptoms of obesity. Last, ways to fight obesity. There will be a 5-minute Q&A at the end.
• There are three main points I would like discuss. First, I will show you in detail why I think it's a good idea to set up a new office in Thailand where the corporate tax rate企業所得稅率 is low. After that, I will lay out一一陳述 the requirements and procedures to do so. Next, I will discuss the potential潛在的 problems for doing so and their solutions.
Read more:【完美匯報】演講不應是「釣魚」時間!三大「吸睛」開場白留住聽眾
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