【專業形象】想在職場上Be professional? 別再用 「book」、「give」等字眼
自問英文「麻麻哋」的你,是不是常常煩惱如何在職場上sound more professional?想知道如何在外國客戶面前留下專業的印象?今個星期,筆者會為大家分享10個你必須學會的動詞及一系列的例句供給大家參考。事不宜遲,let’s go!
1)確保: Make sure (phr.) > Ensure (v.)
當你希望客戶確保東西的正確性時,可以將常用嘅 ‘make sure’ 改為 ‘ensure’。
Sentence 1a:
We will do our best to make sure your order is processed in a timely manner.
Sentence 1b:
We will do our best to ensure your order is processed in a timely manner.
( *‘en-’ 這個字首(prefix) 表示「使;造成;加諸;提供」的意思,常加在形容詞或名詞之前形成動詞
• sure (adj.) 當然
ensure 確保
• courage (n.) 勇氣
encourage (v.) 鼓勵
• large (adj.) 大
enlarge (v.) 擴大
• danger (n.) 危險
endanger (v.) 危害)
2)出席:Come (v.) > Attend (v.)
當有活動或者是會議要出席時,可以將常用的 ‘come’ 改為 ‘attend’。
Sentence 2a:
Please come to our meeting at 3pm tomorrow.
Sentence 2b:
Please attend our meeting at 3pm tomorrow.
3)提供 :Give (v.) > Provide (v.)
要同外國客戶索取資料時,可以將常用嘅 ‘give’ 改為 ‘provide’。
Sentence 3a:
Could you give me a copy of the sales report?
Sentence 3b:
Could you provide us with a copy of the receipt?
4)通知:Let …… know (phr.) > Inform (v.)
要通知對方某事時,可以將常用嘅 ‘let (someone) know’ 改為 ‘inform (someone) ’。
Sentence 4a:
I will let you know by 3 pm if I can meet you for dinner.
Sentence 4b:
I will inform you by 3 pm if I can meet you for dinner.
5)預約:book (v.) > reserve(v.)
要預約時,可以將常用嘅 ‘book’ 改為 ‘reserve’,整體感覺會更為專業。
Sentence 5a:
My assistant will book a room later for the coming conference.
Sentence 5b:
My assistant will reserve a room later for the coming conference.
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