大家都知中國有國家隊,但大家就很少知美國也有國家隊。美國人稱之為Plunge Protection Team,大家可奇怪為甚麼美國股市每次跌完都升,就是因為美國國家隊在發功,在今年6月1日,美國國家隊頭頭Potter及其副手Dzina齊齊請辭,會有甚麼後果?
Potter是於2012年中到任美儲局,他之前在家量化炒股公司DE Shaw做董事,以賊捉賊,要穩定市場就要沽VIX期貨,附圖可見到他的功力,一上任就把市場的欲圖沽空壞蛋打瓜。而之後VIX就一直被壓在不超生的水平,沽空友少了個可以作對沖的工具,便不敢貿然沽空。在2012年10月22至24日的美儲局會議紀錄中,承認了這次沽VIX的操作,原件英文出︰
「When it is time for us to sell, or even to stop buying, the response could be quite strong;there is every reason to expect a strong response. So there are a couple of ways to look at it. It is about $1.2 trillion in sales;you take 60 months, you get about $20 billion a month. That is a very doable thing, it sounds like, in a market where the norm by the middle of next year is $80 billion a month. Another way to look at it, though, is that it's not so much the sale, the duration;it's also unloading our short volatility position.」
「I think we are actually at a point of encouraging risk-taking, and that should give us pause. Investors really do understand now that we will be there to prevent serious losses. It is not that it is easy for them to make money but that they have every incentive to take more risk, and they are doing so. Meanwhile, we look like we are blowing a fixed-income duration bubble right across the credit spectrum that will result in big losses when rates come up down the road. You can almost say that that is our strategy.」
今時美國的國家隊換人了,新的Plunge Protection Team會用甚麼策略去拯救市場?
今年6月1日,是Potter與其副手Dzina齊齊辭職之日,由於請辭日期短,不能即時找到接任者,會暫由紐約儲局的第一副總裁及首席執行官Michael Strine署任。
接任者要有甚麼技能,初步看應是要知道怎沽VIX、買ETF、狙擊高頻交易者的止蝕盤及位、能有效逐級逼升市場,以及組織公司的股份回購(Share Buyback)。
「Becoming head of the Markets Group in June 2012. In this role, he oversaw the implementation of domestic open market and foreign exchange trading operations on behalf of the Federal Open Market Committee(FOMC), the execution of fiscal agent support for the U.S. Treasury, the provision of account services to foreign and international monetary authorities, and the administration and production of reference interest rates for the U.S. money markets. Mr. Potter has played a prominent role in the Federal Reserve's financial stability efforts, including by contributing to the design of the 2009 U.S. bank stress tests, as a member of the international Macroeconomic Assessment Group that supported the Basel Committee's work to strengthen bank capital standards and, most recently, as Chair of the Global Foreign Exchange Committee.」
轉載自: 晴報
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