英文有一個用語 lightning never strikes twice in the same place (或lightning never strikes twice) ,字面是「閃電不會擊中同一地點兩次」,亦即「厄運不會重複發生」的意思。
1923 関東大地震 (遇難人數達 142,000)
1933 昭和三陸地震 (遇難人數達逾 3,000)
1948 福井地震 (遇難人數近 4,000)
1995 阪神・淡路大地震(遇難人數達逾 6,000)
且看撰稿人 Kumiko Makihara 在 <<紐約時報>> 及《國際先驅論壇報》發表名為<<Navigating Japan's Day of Disaster>> 的一文,無論閣下如何叱吒風雲,面對大自然,我們總是渺小如塵:
There wasn’t much more I could do except wait for Mother Nature to take her course (Mother Nature:「孕育萬物的大自然」;Take one’s course:「聽其自然」是也) 。
That particular temblor didn’t strike Tokyo hard, but the city shook intermittently throughout the night, prompting my son and me to cross our fingers and hope that the shaking wouldn’t grow stronger.
Cross one’s fingers:西方古時的朋友,相信把食指和中指交叉像十字架一般,便能驅魔,並帶來好運。
到了今時今日,cross one’s fingers 便變成了「祈求好運或事情順利」的意思。
…still, when I looked down at my suede boots and saw his footprints on them — he must have stepped on my shoes on his way out the door in the morning — I decided not to brush away the dirt. Those imprints just might turn out to be a memento, I thought morbidly (Memento:紀念物。 Morbidly:陰沉地、病態地)
雖然地震當頭,好玩的兒子不能跟同學在學校露宿,仍萬分不願意。但看過海嘯之後,My son grudgingly said (不情不願地說),“I guess it’s best to be home.”
【你點睇?】美國指對華加徵10%關稅同樣適用於香港,你認為措施會否打擊本港轉口港地位?► 立即投票