【忙中有錯 】Send錯Email點算好?醒你4個「得體補鑊」範例
Part 1: 「補鑊」Email必學例句
• This is to kindly express my sincere apology for sending an email that was not meant for you.
• The mails were sent to wrong recipient in the process of fixing the computer and there was no way I could stop this.
• I am sorry I quoted the wrong figures.
• I would like to apologize on behalf of L&Y LTD. for sending a wrong product brochure to you.
• It is my sincere request to forgive us for this failure. It will be an honor for us if you continue to trust us and maintain business relationship with us.
• I am sorry that last email was sent in error. This time the file is attached.
• I am sorry that the quotation I gave earlier was not for the products you had requested.
• I am sorry that I have given you inaccurate information.
• Please accept my apologies for giving the wrong bill.
• Enclosed is a revised report with the correct information.
• A new version with corrected information is already on its way.
• I will not give excuses for what happened.
• To avoid such an incident, I will ensure to be cautious in the future.
• Enclosed is a check/cheque with the correct figures.
• Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
• Thank you for posting out this error to us.
• I understand that such inconveniences can be very frustrating. Thank you for your patience.
• Thank you for being understanding in this unfortunate matter, I assure you it will not happen again.
• I understand it is my obligation to ensure that the correct document is attached.
Part 2: 超實用「補鑊」Email 範例
Subject: Apology Letter for Sending Wrong Attachment 送錯附件
Dear Mr. Chan,
I wish to express my apologies for sending a wrong attachment on the mail sent on 9 April under the subject “Request for information on NY venue”. I understand this might have brought up inconveniences (帶來不便) to you and others relying on the attachment.
I will not give excuses (藉口) for what happened as I understand it is my obligation (義務) to ensure that the correct document is attached. Attached to this mail is the correct document.
Best Regards,
Kandy Lai
Subject: Apology Letter for Sending Wrong Information 發送錯誤信息
Dear Dr. Wong,
I wish to offer my apologies for sending the wrong information on the email dated 7 April under the subject “Here’s the quote we discussed”. I understand the wrong information might have brought inconveniences on your end. The correct information ought to have been [更正後的資訊].
I am sorry that I brought up the inconveniences and I will ensure to be cautious in future to avoid such an incident.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Chelsea Chan
Subject: Apology for Wrong Price Quote 錯誤報價
Dear Ms. Yeung,
I am sorry there was a mistake on our last transactions. The quotation (報價)I gave was not for the products you had requested. I apologize for this mistake (我深表歉意).
I will send the right quotation (正確的報價) via your Email address before the end of the day. I promise this will not happen again in our future business engagement (業務合作). Kindly consider my apologies.
Thank you so much.
Yours sincerely,
Wilson Wong
Subject: Apology Letter for Sending Wrong Email 發錯電郵
Dear Mrs. White,
This is to kindly express my sincere apology for sending an email that was not meant for you.
I am so sorry that this had to happen. I was in the process of responding to emails when my computer broke down (出現故障) and failed to function well (無法正常運行).
The mails were then sent to wrong recipient (錯誤的收件人) in the process of fixing the computer and there was no way I could stop this. I am sorry for the inconvenience that this email may have caused you. I hope you forgive me.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,
謹記:第一封Email send錯之後,第二封補救的Email千萬不要再出錯。Send之前記得記得要double check所有details,否則再次send錯就會極度「老尷」㗎喇!
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