【祝賀工作夥伴】除 “Happy New Year”外,必學這10句新年祝福語!(附4個email範例)
新的一年又到了,想藉這個機會祝賀客戶、同事、上司或老闆,以保持友好關係?除了說一句 “Happy New Year” 外,還可送上甚麼新年祝福呢?本周,筆者為正在苦惱的你提供了各式各樣的英文祝福語,還附上四大email範例,讓你輕鬆有禮地向各人問好,更能藉著這機會與不同人打開話匣子。大家記得bookmark定呢篇article,方便有需要時大派用場呀!
(Credit: Getty Images)
Part One — 10句新年祝福語:
1. May the joy and happiness around you today and always.
2. Best of luck in 2021!
3. Good luck, good health, good cheer. I wish you a happy 2021.
4. I wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance, joy, and treasured moments.
5. I wish you a new year filled with peace, joy, and meaning.
6. From all of us in sales: Happy New Year!
7. I hope your new year dreams come true and each day is filled with love, happiness, and prosperity!
8. I am grateful to each one of you for your tremendous efforts, and I wish everyone a rewarding, joyous new year.
9.Have a blessed new year, boss!
10. May this year grant you everything you wish for with all the happiness in the world!
Part Two — 四大email範例
Dear Mr. Chan,
Happy New Year! Thank you so much for your business in 2020. It has been a pleasure helping you reach your goals. We are grateful for good customers like you (感謝像你這樣的好客戶), who make our work satisfying and enjoyable.
We look forward to working with you in 2021 (期待在2021年與你合作) and contributing to your success. We wish you a wonderful new year filled with abundance (豐裕), joy, and treasured moments.
Best regards,
Elton Wong
Senior Marketing Officer
KZC Collection Ltd.
To my dear workmates,
A year with a lot of work and effort is behind us. The business results achieved testify to the fact that our effort has paid off(我們的努力已獲得回報). Thank you so much for all your support. May all your goals are achieved and your purposes are fulfilled! Happy New Year, everyone.
Warm regards,
Dear Boss,
It’s been a very productive (豐碩的) year for the entire team under your wing. You are the power source of our team (我們團隊的力量). Thank you for equipping us with the motivation and strength to go forward and meet the deadlines. Your wisdom (智慧)and guidance (指導)are what we need most in the coming years. Looking forward to having a great new ahead. Have a blessed new year, boss!
All the best,
Sarah Choi
Senior Manager
Dear everyone,
Happy New Year! Yes, we survived 2020. In fact, we thrived because of your incredible hard work, creativity, and dedication(奉獻精神).
I am personally grateful to each one of you for your tremendous efforts(巨大努力), and I wish everyone a rewarding (有回報的), joyous new year. I look forward to working with you in 2021.
Warm regards,
Edmond Yeung
L&Y Collection LTD.
在此,筆者祝大家2021年新年快樂。May happiness follow you wherever you go! 願幸福快樂環繞每一位。
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