英文交談突然語塞!除了er…和um…仲可以點?分享Native Speakers 12個應對方法!
不論是與同事或上司交談,還是與客戶溝通,我們難免會遇到突然「語塞」的時候。當自己腦袋一片空白、張開嘴卻說不出半句話來的一刻,不單自己會覺得十分難堪,對方也必然會感到相當尷尬。每每碰上不知道應說甚麼的時候,為避免dead air(冷場)的出現,我們總會迫使自己在瞬間想出對話內容,努力嘗試接話。可是,思考也需要時間吧?大部分人在思考的時候都會低喃「er…」、「um…」、「hmm…」等來拖延時間,但是不斷發出這些聲音的話,會顯得說話者不夠專業,容易令對方覺得你準備不足甚至不擅溝通。那麼,一時語塞的我們又該如何為自己爭取多點思考時間去接話呢?不想反覆的「er…」、「um…」、「hmm…」的話,可以怎樣做呢?在思考的瞬間,又該做些甚麼才可表現得更專業,更得體呢?
credit: https://stock.adobe.com/
今天,筆者會為大家分享一下native speakers如何填補對話的空白。下次要在溝通時為自己爭取思考時間時,就可以派上用場了!
1. Well……(嗯……)
(^說話時,我們可以用一些短語來彌補思考的間隙,使表達連續連貫,這些短語叫做 “gap-fillers” 。中文口語中常會用到「嗯」、「對了」、「啊」等無意義的助語詞,來緩衝思考下一句話的時間,而英文中最常聼到的gap-filler非「Well」莫屬了。)
Example 1:
A: How’s the meeting?
B: Well, but it wasn't too bad.
Example 2:
A: How much do you think is acceptable?
B: Well……I guess HKD$1,000 is a good price.
2. Actually,……/As a matter of fact,…… (其實……)
3. To be honest,...… (老實說……)
4. To be frank,……(坦白說……)
5. How shall I put it? (我該怎麼說呢?)
A: "How's the new sales representative?"
B: "Well, I don't think he's - how shall I put it? - ever going to be a top salesperson. But he seems nice enough."
6. What I’m trying to say is……(我想要告訴你的就是……)
7. Let me put it this way (讓我這麼說好了)
Let me put it this way, we've already agreed to do this deal.
8. That’s an interesting question. (嗯...好問題)
這情況下,「interesting」未必一定含有「有趣」的意思,而是普通一個對話的gap filler,用來給自己多點思考時間。
A: Are you going to propose this plan in tomorrow's conference?
B: That’s an interesting question. I’ll think about that.
9. I’ve never really thought about it, but I guess...... (我暫時還沒有真正考慮過,但是我猜......)
A: What are you going to do after completing this MBA programme?
B: Oh, I’ve never really thought about it, but I guess I’ll work at an international firm.
10. Let me think./Let me think about it. (讓我想想。)
A: What do you want to have for lunch?
B: Let me think… How about sushi?
11. Give me one second. (稍等一下)
A: Which subscription package do you prefer?
B: Give me one second. Let me compare them quickly now.
12. I guess...... (我猜......)
A: Why hasn't the meeting started yet?
(I guess he’s probably)
B: I guess it's because the host is still in another meeting.
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