職業志向(Career Aspirations)通常是指長期的職業目標(a long-term career goal)、計劃或夢想,而不單單是短期的夢想。當面試官問你“What Are Your Career Aspirations?” 時,其實對方是希望了解你對這份工作的態度,從而考察您自我規劃的能力,確定您的潛力是否符合企業的要求,進而方便日後為您制定職業生涯規劃。
要想回答好與工作規劃有關的問題,你必須預先經過一番冷靜思考,並為自己樹立一個明確的目標。 你應謹慎的想清楚,若干年後,自己到底想在公司晉升到一個甚麼高度的位置。如果你連自己追求的目標都無法說得明白,僱主也當然無法確定應否聘用你吧?對於目標高的應聘者來說,這類問題尤為重要。 如果你應聘的是領導類的職務,那麼公司對於你的目標就定會更抱期望。
Part 1—職業志向(Career Aspirations)的五大方向:
• Managerial success 管理上的成功
>> This aspiration shows that you plan on staying at the company for a long time
• Executive positions 行政職位
>> Sharing your goal to be an executive shows that you are ambitious(雄心壯志) and motivated(積極進取).
• Owning a business 擁有一家企業
>> This aspiration shows drive and passion; however, you might be perceived as someone not intending to stay for long.
• Becoming an expert 成為專家
>> This aspiration is a common career aspiration in academic and scientific fields.
• Earning acclaim and prestige 贏得好評和聲望
>> If you have the aspiration of earning acclaim (獲得讚譽)and a prestigious award, you have to be dedicated to your work(全心投入工作). This quality can be very attractive to employers.
Part 2—跟職業志向(Career Aspirations)有關的句子:
• When I think of my career aspirations, I think of a timeframe maybe 10 years from now.
• I aspire to be exposed to managing a team.
• I hope to move into a position as a/an XXX.
• I aspire to be able to gain new skill sets that are applicable to future career opportunities.
• I aspire to be able to be more hands on with the company’s operations.
• I aspire to be able to obtain a stronger track record of result making.
Part 3—參考範例
When I think of my career aspirations, I think of a timeframe maybe 10 years from now. I have more 1tactical career goals that are 5 years from now, but for aspirations, I think of 2longer-term. 3Ideally, 4I aspire to be exposed to 5a broad set of skills that help me learn how to run 6enterprise businesses. I hope to be exposed to operations, marketing, and sales more fluently. I also aim to be part of a highly collaborative environment which can develope me as a professional person.
1. tactical career goals:策略性的職業目標
2. longer-term:長期;長遠
3. ideally:最理想的是......;理想地,
4. I aspire to be exposed to......:我渴望接觸......
5. a broad set of skills:廣泛的技能
6. enterprise businesses:企業業務
7With all of the skills that I currently have in marketing and public relations, I aspire to learn more about 8product development and 9be exposed to customer interactions in a deeper way. I think this will create a highly 10sought-after type of employee that is 11in high demand. One with a wide variety of skills that can 12strategically help companies move forward. That’s the type of professional I aspire to be.
7. With all of the skills that I currently have in XXX, ......:憑藉我目前在XXX方面的所有技能,.......
8. product development:產品開發
9. to be exposed to XXX in a deeper way:深入了解XXX
10. sought-after:熱門的;廣受歡迎的;高度青睞的
11.in high demand:需求量大
13I have a passion for human resources and working with employees to improve their quality of life through support and communication. One of my main goals is to develop my knowledge of human capital management and promote different employee wellness programs. Within the next 10 years, 14I hope to move into a position as a human resources director at a 15midsize non-profit like this one, where I can implement innovative programming.
13. I have a passion for XXX :我對XXX充滿熱情
14. I hope to move into a position as a XXX:我希望擔任XXX一職
15. a midsize non-profit:中型非營利組織
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