不少人都會有「工作空窗期」,而每個人的原因或許都不一樣。有些人極力追求work-life balance,會選擇每工作幾年就自製一個空窗期,休息一段時間「回氣」;有些人為了增值自我,特意空出一段時間來學習和進修;亦都有一些人是因為家庭因素,例如需要照顧家中老人家或小朋友,所以被迫暫時停止工作。
Some sample reasons:
• Caring for a young child
• Caring for a sick family member
• Any medical or health issue
• Pursuing further education or going back to school
• Pursuing any other type of professional training
• Taking time off to travel, study, work on a solo project, etc.
• Trying to start a business or freelance career
• Your former company downsized its staff in an attempt to cut costs, and you had to spend time finding a job after being laid off
Step 1:
Explain the situation clearly but briefly. They don’t need a ton of personal details. Just give them the core facts.
Step 2:
Show that the situation has ended or is no longer a factor, so they won’t be worried you’ll have to take another break from working. If they hire you, they want to know you’re 100% ready to work for them.
Step 3:
Reiterate your interest in their position and bring the focus back onto this job interview and this position.
Step 1:清楚且簡短地說明該情況
“I had to resign from my previous position to care for an aging family member. I did this for the past year. ......
Step 2:説明問題已經解決
...... Since then, I have hired a full-time caregiver, so I no longer need to be present, and am fully available to work now and in the future. ......
Step 3:重申自己對該職位的興趣
...... Therefore, I’ve begun job searching and I’m focused on finding an executive assistant position that will help me advance my career further now."
• “I was laid off (被解僱)ten months ago. I started my job search immediately after, and I’m looking for sales manager positions now to continue advancing my career. I’ve had a number of interviews but haven’t found the right fit (找不到合適的)yet. One thing I’m looking for is a chance to mentor (指導)and train team members and manage a team directly. I saw that mentioned on the job description (職位簡介)for this position. Do you mind telling me more about that?”
• “I spent some time as the primary caretaker in my family. During that time, I was able to be there for my family but always knew I wanted to return to work. I’m ready to do that now.”
• “My former employer underwent a restructuring (重整結構)and my position had been eliminated(取消/廢除). To be honest, it was a difficult time. But I left with the confidence that I had developed important skills there and built strong relationships with my managers and colleagues. I’m looking forward to the opportunity to apply those experiences in my next job.”
• “I was able to take some time off work to focus on myself. It was a time that prepared me to take on new challenges(迎接新挑戰). I’m incredibly excited about the opportunities that lie ahead(即將到來的機會), such as this position.”
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