"What is your greatest weakness?" 「你最大的缺點是甚麼?」
前《哈佛商業評論》總編輯蘇西·韋爾奇(Suzy Welch)曾說過,面試官發問這道問題通常是為著了解面試者的人格特質,從而衡量對方能否勝任他們所應徵的職位。她亦表示,如果想要把問題回答得漂亮,首要的要素就是「誠實」。因此,對待這個問題,我們只好真誠地暴露自己的弱點(值得留意的是,這個「弱點」千萬不能是應徵職位的「致命傷」),並主動提供針對這弱點的解決方案。記住,面試官真正想知道的事情,是你到底清不清楚自己的能力,還有你有否為自己的不足積極計劃改進方案,及是否正為此作出努力。
Step 1:真誠地暴露自己的弱點
"I may not have much patience when working with a team as I am quite (1) self-sufficient. So, it's somehow a bit difficult when I have to (2) rely on others to complete my work. That is the reason why I've pursued roles that require someone to (3) work independently.
Step 2:提供針對這弱點的解決方案/展示自己正為此弱點作出努力
However, I've also worked hard to improve this weakness by, for example, (4) enrolling in team building (5) workshops. While I typically work independently, it's nonetheless important I learn how to trust my colleagues and (6) ask for outside help when necessary."
Useful words & phrases in this example:
(1) Self-sufficient(自給自足)
(2) To rely on (依賴/依靠)
(3) To work independently(獨立地工作)
(4) To enrol in XXX(報名參加XXX)
(5) Workshop(工作坊)
(6) To ask for outside help(向外部尋求協助)
Step 1:真誠地暴露自己的弱點
"Sometimes, I may be (1) timid when providing (2) constructive (3) feedback to colleagues, (4) out of fear of hurting someone's feelings.
Step 2:提供針對這弱點的解決方案/展示自己正為此弱點作出努力
However, in my previous role, sometimes I had to edit my team member's work and provide feedback for (5) areas of improvement. Through this experience, (6) I realized that feedback can be both helpful and kind, when delivered the right way. (7) Since then, I've become better at offering feedback, and I've realized that my empathy can be used to my advantage to provide thoughtful and productive feedback."
Useful words & phrases in this example:
(1) Timid (膽小)
(2) Constructive(建設性的)
(3) Feedback (意見/反饋)
(4) Out of fear of (+ Verb-ing) 害怕/恐懼/擔心......
(5) Areas of improvement( 改進領域/改善空間)
(6) I realized (that)...... (我意識到)
(7) Since then, ...... (從那時起/自此之後)
Step 1:真誠地暴露自己的弱點
"(1) To be frank, public speaking makes me nervous.
Step 2:提供針對這弱點的解決方案/展示自己正為此弱點作出努力
Although I am not required to do much public speaking in my role as web designer, I still feel it's an important skill, especially when I want to offer my opinion during a meeting. (2) To combat this, I talked to my manager and he recommended me to spend a few minutes in each team meeting to talk about our project timeline, deadlines, and goals when developing a website for a client. (3) Indeed, this practice has (4) enabled me to relax and (5) see public speaking as an opportunity to help my team member's do their jobs effectively."
Useful words & phrases in this example:
(1) To be frank, ......(坦白説)
(2) To combat XXX, ...... (爲了解決/對抗XXX)
(3) Indeed(的確)
(4) To enable me to......(使我能夠......)
(5) See XXX as an opportunity (將XXX視為機會)
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