[ET Net News Agency, 12 March 2025] A-shares of CN GALAXY SEC (SH:601881) rose 9.4% to
RMB17.75. It hits the upper price limit of RMB17.85, and an intra-day low of RMB16.15. The
total shares traded was 187.14 million, with a value of RMB3.17b. The volume ratio is 2,
and the turnover rate is 2.6%.
H-shares of CGS (06881) rose 9.5% to HK$8.75. It hits an intra-day high of HK$8.78, and
hits an intra-day low of HK$7.99. The total shares traded was 91.78 million, with a value
of HK$763.3m. The active buy/sell ratio is 66:34, with net buying turnover of HK$247.01m.
A-shares of CN GALAXY SEC has premium of 119.6% over H-shares.(ed)