[ET Net News Agency, 21 March 2025] HENGAN INT'L (01044) fell 3% to HK$22.35, dipping
below the 20-D SMA of HK$22.568.
It hits an intra-day low of HK$22.35, and an intra-day high of HK$23.05. The total
shares traded was 1.85 million, with a value of HK$42.15m. The active buy/sell ratio is
57:43, with net buying turnover of HK$5.49m. CHINA INV INFO accounts for greatest net
responsive buying turnover of HK$1.87m, with volume weighted average price of HK$22.64.
J.P. MORGAN BRO (HK) accounts for greatest net responsive selling turnover of HK$3.57m,
with volume weighted average price of HK$22.686. The stock has fallen a combined 4.9% over
the past 2 consecutive trading days.
The Hang Seng Index now fell 589 points, or 2.4% to 23,630.
Basic Information
Nominal 22.350 % Chg -3.04%
High 23.050 Low 22.350
Shares Tr 1.85m Turnover 42.15m
10-D SMA 22.905 %H.V 25.627
20-D SMA 22.568 VWAP 22.727
50-D SMA 21.690 RSI14 49.116
Status: Dipping below the 20-D SMA, active buy/sell ratio is 57:43, with net buying
turnover of HK$5.49m, falling a combined 4.9% over the past 2 consecutive trading days
Performance of stocks in the same sector or of relevance
Stock (Code) Price (HK$) Change (%)
HENGAN INT'L (01044) 22.350 -3.04
C&D NEWIN (00731) 0.228 +5.56
MAO GEPING (01318) 106.900 -4.38
Q P GROUP (01412) 1.320 Unchanged
CHENMING PAPER (01812) 0.660 -7.04
SUNSHINE PAPER (02002) 1.770 -3.28
VANOV HOLDINGS (02260) 1.340 Unchanged
LEE & MAN PAPER (02314) 2.300 -1.71
GIANT BIOGENE (02367) 68.550 -2.35
ND PAPER (02689) 3.360 -0.88