[ET Net News Agency, 21 February 2025] 5 companies registered block trading at the
trading session as follows:
Litsed Company Shares Transcated Price/Share Total
(+/- from previous close) Consideration
TENCENT (00700) A block trade of HK$487.247 HK$50.38m
103,390 shares (+0.09%)
XIAOMI-W (01810) A block trade of HK$49.244 HK$41.99m
852,640 shares (+0.19%)
XTALPI-P (02228) A non-direct manual HK$8.14 HK$40.7m
trade of 5 million (-2.51%)
UBTECH ROBOTICS (09880) A non-direct manual HK$86.65 HK$69.32m
trade of 800,000 shares (-8.5%)
BABA-W (09988) A block trade of HK$121.613 HK$40.02m
329,040 shares (+0.59%)