PSY新曲《Gentleman》MV點擊過億 但網友評價兩極?
早前才提及過一首韓國歌曲《Gwiyomi》可愛襲港,想不到憑《江南Style》紅遍全球的PSY在 4月12日終於發佈全新歌曲《Gentleman》,而且僅僅一周在youtube的點擊量已高達1.52億,人氣異常火爆。
PSY新歌迅速成為焦點,其實不足為奇,因為成名作《江南Style》實在令人留下非常深刻的印像,騎呢舞姿加上簡單易記的音樂旋律及歌詞,只要聽過一次,必定會記得,所以此歌能夠紅透全球也是理所當然的事,亦令全城非常期待PSY未來會有什麼新搞作。今次新作《Gentleman》曲風亦走節奏輕快路線,並加重電子音樂伴奏。至於歌詞方面,除了韓語外,亦加插幾句順口的英文,如「I'm mother, father, gentleman!」令歌曲更為易記及上口。新歌一出,網友評價非常兩極,有人讚好聽易上口,亦有網友感非常失望。
通通亦曾經對《江南Style》非常著迷,隨時隨地都會哼幾句,還跟朋友在他婚宴上拍過一條「騎馬舞」的搞笑短片。所以新歌一出,我立刻先睹為快,可惜看後只能說句新不如舊,整個MV都像是《江南Style》的延續篇,毫無新鮮感,同樣是美女加騎呢醜男的配搭,所有場面都是熟口熟面,而且亦沒看到有PSY新創的獨特舞步。至於這首歌能否承繼《江南Style》的餘溫在全球大紅大紫? 坦白說,我並不看好。網友們,你又點睇?
Youtube Link: http://youtu.be/ASO_zypdnsQ
PSY <Gentleman> 歌詞英譯版本
I don’t know if you know
why it needs to be hot
I don’t know if you know
why it needs to be clean
I don’t know if you know,
it’ll be a problem if you’re confused
I don’t know if you know but we like,
we we we like to party
Hey there
If I’m going to introduce myself
I’m a cool guy with courage,
spirit and craziness
What you wanna hear,
what you wanna do is me
Damn! Girl! You so freakin sexy!
Ah Ah Ah Ah I’m a…
Ah Ah Ah Ah I’m a…
Ah Ah Ah Ah
I’m a mother father gentleman
I’m a
Ah I’m a
I’m a mother father gentleman
I’m a
Ah I’m a
I’m a mother father gentleman
I don’t know if you know
why it needs to be smooth
I don’t know if you know
why it needs to be sexy
I don’t know if you know darling,
hurry and come be crazy
I don’t know if you know,
it’s crazy, crazy, hurry up
Hey there
Your head, waist, legs, calves
Good! Feeling feeling?
Good! It’s soft
I’ll make you gasp and
I’ll make you scream
Damn! Girl! I’m a party mafia!
Ah Ah Ah Ah I’m a…
Ah Ah Ah Ah I’m a…
Ah Ah Ah Ah
I’m a mother father gentleman
I’m a
Ah I’m a
I’m a mother father gentleman
I’m a
Ah I’m a
I’m a mother father gentleman
Gonna make you sweat.
Gonna make you wet
You know who I am Wet PSY
Gonna make you sweat.
Gonna make you wet.
You know who I am
Wet PSY! Wet PSY! Wet PSY!
Ah I’m a mother father gentleman
I’m a
Ah I’m a
I’m a mother father gentleman
I’m a
Ah I’m a
I’m a mother father gentleman
Mother father gentleman
Mother father gentleman
如你也看過任何搞笑有趣的圖片、網站或笑話等,歡迎電郵至 mkt@etnet.com.hk 。
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