Chief Executive Officer of Krista Exhibitions, Daud D Salim highlighted in a press conference "This year's ALLPack Indonesia and AllPrint Indonesia 2024 forecast a 30 percent increase in the number of participants compared to the previous year and over 1,000 companies, will take part and 200 are small-and-medium enterprises [MSMEs], ALL Pack have attracted more than 70,000 local and international visitors and is expected to have more in 2024." He said the participating exhibitors would hail more than 17 countries from Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, India, Germany, France, Italy, China, Austria, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States, among other nations.
Daud D Salim point out that "Through AllPack Indonesia and AllPrint Indonesia 2024, we will bring hundreds of potential buyers in processing, packaging, printing, automation, in the foods and beverages, pharmacy and cosmetics sectors will meet to join the hosted buyers program. Krista exhibitions will facilitate hotel rooms for 2 nights those selected buyers from FnB, Cosmetic, Pharma and Manufacturers" he added.
Adhi Lukman, Chairman of Indonesian Food and Beverages Industry Association (GAPMMI) said : "In line with the potential demand for processed food to meet the needs of the community, the food and beverage sector continues to grow positively and investment is also increasing. Therefore, support for innovation and technology is needed in the food sector. So, events like Allpack are important for the food industry to see how technology is evolving and interact with experts in order to encourage its growth" added Adhi Lukman
AllPack Indonesia and AllPrint Indonesia 2024 specially launched Business Matching Program. Krista Exhibitions welcomes Potential buyers/ visitors to joint the program, and have a pre-arrange meetings, exclusively organized in a one-to-one match-making service. Our business matching activities are specifically designed to help you connect with the right and prominent companies in the packaging and printing industries, fostering valuable relationships that can lead to successful business partnerships. For Interested buyers must register online at https://forms.gle/gLoVNAUPVEjhbXEdA to participate in business matching sessions with our exhibitors.
Visitors are invited to register directly at the exhibition venue or register online at the following links: https://register.kristaonline.com/visitor/allpackindonesia and https://register.kristaonline.com/visitor/allprintindonesia For more information, please visit www.kristamedia.com.
Hashtag: #KristaExhibitions
source: Krista Exhibition
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